Thursday, May 27, 2010
Growing fast
Friday, May 21, 2010
An American Pastime
This week has seemed very long and exhausting. We started the week with lofty goals to potty train our third child… we failed (at least for now). I cleared my schedule for the week so that I could stay home with Benjamin and focus on teaching him how to use the potty. Day one and two did not go well at all! About halfway through day three I remembered that we had a Peter Potty. Of course! Why didn’t I think of this before?!? Levi was fascinated by the potty training urinal, so I was sure it would be a hit for Ben as well. When I took it out of the box he freaked out – literally! He backed away from it crying and shaking saying, “No, no, no!” Well, I thought, maybe if he sees Levi using it, then he won’t be so scared; that didn’t work either. Now, Ben was afraid to go near the real potty as well. (sigh) We’ve decided to give the whole potty thing a break for now and try again sometime in the near future.
Among other things going on this week, potty training and being housebound for a few rainy days had added a bit more stress in our lives, so it was fun to be able to get out and enjoy some family time tonight. As part of a reading program at school, Anna got a free ticket to a Lake County Captains baseball game (minor league team of the Cleveland Indians). When I was ordering the tickets, I was a little apprehensive about taking Noah to the game because I wasn’t sure how he would do, but Ray convinced me that we should all go as a family. He was right. We had a lot of fun (despite the rain) and Noah was such a good baby (other than the exploding diaper in the first inning… good thing I packed an extra outfit!). He didn’t cry or fuss at all, just sat and enjoyed the game with the rest of us!
I’ll close by sharing with you a funny conversation that Ray had with Levi during the game:
Levi: “I need to go potty!” (starts to get up) “My pants are wet!”
Ray: “From the rain, or pee?”
Levi: “The rain... I think…. Maybe…”
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010