"But as for you, speak the things which are fitting for sound doctrine.
Older men are to be temperate, dignified, sensible, sound in faith, in love, in
perseverance. Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not
malicious gossips not enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they
may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to
be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands,
so that the Word of God will not be dishonored." Titus 2:1-5
My husband and I came to the same conclusion on this passage. Women are commanded to be "workers at home" or "keepers at home" as the KJV puts it. Women are clearly commanded to manage the domestic affairs of the household.
Some criticism for the belief system or "denomination" that I ran into is that they take this command to the extreme. They believe women are not, under any circumstances, to work outside the home. There is no need for college education for women, and women should not be in the workforce. Period. To do so would be blasphemy!
I did some research online, and did not find a clear statement from churches within this denomination that would either prove or deny such criticism, but I can tell you if that is in fact what these churches preach, I disagree! I do not believe it is a sin for a woman to have an education. I do not believe it is a sin for a woman to work outside the home. (Many women may need to work in order to provide for their families.) I do believe, however, that when a women neglects the needs of her house, husband and children in order to have a career or pursue an education, then she is dishonoring God.
God calls women to be "workers at home" and in today's society, homemaking is not popular, glamorous or highly esteemed. That is true. However, in reading this passage, a bigger issue jumped out at me. Discipleship! Older women need to be teaching, encouraging and setting an example for younger women to follow. I do believe that most Christians have missed the boat on this. No matter where we are in life, we all have the ability (and mandate) to make an impact on those around us. {This command is for the men too!} You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to have all the answers. You just have to have a love for people and a desire to see them grow to be more like Christ. You just need to let people in and be willing to be used by God.
Who knows... maybe if we (as "older women") really took the mandate to train the younger women to love their husbands and children seriously, future generations just might see a shift in society back to the Biblical model of the women's role to be a worker at home.