Several months ago, I took Benjamin with me to the grocery store to pick up a few items. Ben always loves to go with me because they have toddler sized carts that he can push around the store! I was walking down the aisles and would occasionally ask him to pick up an item and place it in his cart. When we got to the checkout, he was helping me unload the groceries onto the counter. I noticed the cashier was scanning a box of cake mix (an item that was not on my list), so I asked Ben if he put that in the cart. "Yeah, I like cake!!" was his reply (with the biggest smile on his face!)
Yesterday I made another trip to the store to pick up a few items and on this occasion I took Anna and Levi with me. Again, at the checkout I found an item in my cart that was not on my list.... Pickles! I held the jar in my hand and looked at Levi (who was grinning from ear to ear) "You didn't have any in the fridge!" was his reply.
Benjamin is my sweet tooth. He loves cakes, cookies and candy. Levi's favorite?.... Pickles! Just one small way my two boys are oh so very different... but I love them both so very much!

Thank you for giving me those two boys (and the other boy and girl). I love you, Babe!