Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer Vacation

On June 28th, we loaded up our mini van and headed to St. Louis to visit my grandparents. (my grandpa isn't in the picture because he was at work.)
Our first family vacation in four years!!
We had fun at the St.Louis Zoo! (my grandpa is behind me in the blue shirt... this is the only picture I got of him!) :(
Touching the Stingrays.After we spent a few days in St.Louis, we went up to Wisconsin to visit more family. (my parents met us there.)
Noah's first swim in our hotel pool.
My Uncle Dale gave the kids a ride on his mini bike. They LOVED it!!

We had a wonderful time on vacation! Hopefully it won't be another four years before we decide to take another trip! ;)


  1. So glad you had a wonderful time! How did all the "van time" go?

  2. The "van time" went a lot better than I expected it to go! The ride to my grandparents was wonderful, but Noah was spoiled by grandma and didn't much care for the car seat on the way home! The other kids were great... the portable DVD player was a wise investment! :)
